I know I've already posted pictures of Miriam twice before, but it occurred to me that most of the others don't show off her beautiful face! Her feet, her eyelashes, her dress, her mom...but not enough of what makes her uniquely Miriam! So here she is...awake, alert, and checking you out!
In case you are keeping track, my sister and her family are the last Polek sub-unit! I actually get to say that these cutie patooties are my niece and nephew! This is Maya Katherine, Simon Xavier, and their parents, Rebecca and Michael. Don't you just want to eat them right up?!
Meet Trish and John (parents), Elizabeth and Robert. Unfortunately, I left my pictures of the darling Elizabeth and her new baby brother on my sister's computer so I can't post them tonight. However, I've added some pics of the whole kit and kaboodle down below! And word has it that the stars of the show will be viewing these at family dinner Sunday night so "Hello everyone! Hope all is well and that you can find something you like from these pictures. Becky will be bringing you these and many more!"
(Click on this picture if you want to see it bigger.)
Today I finished working on the pictures of another "sub-unit" of the Polek Clan. These girls are so sweet and so good with all their little cousins. I was so impressed with them. This is Melissa and Mary, and their parents Judy and Mike. Thanks for all your help with the little ones, girls!
A couple weeks ago I took pictures of my brother-in-law's clan. So many kids...so much fun! What a wonderful family. Here are some shots of one "family unit" from that clan. Introducing, Thomas, Joseph, and Sarah...aren't they precious? Their parents are Rich and Christy. Thanks for a fun day, guys!
So I got side tracked from the McGrail pictures about a month ago but I have found my way back! My friend wanted a series of each child in black and white so here they are!
I know, I know...has it really been almost a month since I posted? Crazy thing is that I have loads of pictures I want to post! I just spent a week with all 5 of my nieces and nephews plus did a couple photo shoots so I guess what I'm saying is....look out! Here are a couple more I took of Baby Miriam during Cousin Camp 2008. Those lashes and lips and rosy cheeks...so precious! I took about 30 pictures of her feet so be glad I am only posting one here....I just couldn't get enough of them.